A diversion, in the context of this project, is a type of irrigation facility that is used to divert a portion of the flow of a river from its natural course. Diversions do not impound significant water in a reservoir; rather, they are used to divert river water into an artificial water course or canal. For the Wapato Diversion, the diverted water is used for irrigation of the surrounding agricultural lands of the WIP.
A fish ladder, or fishway, is a structure designed to facilitate generally upstream movement of fish past a natural or artificial barrier.
A forebay is a small reservoir that separates the water from the river immediately upstream of the irrigation diversion gates and is intended to prevent debris and sediment from entering the irrigation canal system.
Tailwater refers to water located immediately downstream of a hydraulic structure, such as a dam, diversion, spillway, bridge, or culvert.
A trash rake is a mechanism designed to remove things like branches, trash, and other water-borne debris from an intake structure.